
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Few Principles to Control Anger! Do consider

Ubqari Magazine - October 2016

(Majid Zahoor, Lahore.)

What should I do, my friend? I get annoyed whenever something wrong happens. Boys and girls these days face a similar predicament in which anger overtakes all logical thought really quickly. Some people take getting angry as a habit while others consider it as fashion. Previously most people got angry when something really important was being delayed or something was not being completed. Nowadays, however, people get angry at the slightest of provocations. You do not get to see as many onions or potatoes as much as you see angry people.

If you consider the situation where load shedding continues for over 8 hours, water and SUI gas is not available, then getting angry makes sense. But that does not mean that we place all the blame on the government and consider ourselves complete victims. We are at fault too when we waste electricity for instance when we use more fans than necessary. This is that very point where anger transforms into fashion since all we like doing is complain about the government. We get angry over traffic jams and start fights with others just to prove our point or we get angry when we are at home and things are not as we want them to be like when the shirts are not ironed on time or when some assignment is not being completed. People get angry in many other situations and don’t pay attention to the needs of the situation or that fact that anger doesn’t help the situation.

Expression of anger can be different for different people. Some start shouting, others may throw things, some may curse or others may hit someone. Without doubt, all these have serious consequences. From a psychological perspective, holding on to anger is not healthy either since it may lead to various aches in the body, stomach ulcer, intestinal swelling, or high blood pressure etc. Research too shows that anger can make accidents far more likely since in anger our body goes into a stress situation wherein our heart beat increases, pupils dilate, blood rushes to the face and logical thinking gets overpowered by intense emotions.

Some ways to control anger:

Our beloved prophet Hazrat Muhammad said that Anger is the effect of Satan’s tricks and Satan is created by fire, and fire can only be subdued by water which is why performing ablution when in anger can help get rid of it.

It is the saying of Allah that those who spend in times of sorrow and happiness, and those who control their anger, Allah likes such guided people. There was another mention about this in a saying of Allah that related to those who stay away from major sins, and vulgarity as well as those who forgive when someone angers them. Along with that, a Hadith too mentions the fact that if we forgive people then Allah too will forgive us on the day of judgement. Research too suggests that the best way to cure anger is to forgive the one that caused it because by forgiving others you are able to unload all the negative feelings that build inside you instead. Our Holy Prophet ﷺ too suggested the recitation of اَعُوْذُ بِاللہِ مِنَ الشَّیْطٰنِ الرَّجِیْم  when in anger to get rid of it. Hence whenever someone becomes angry, then he should count and recite                                             اَعُوْذُ بِاللہِ مِنَ الشَّیْطٰنِ الرَّجِیْم in his heart around 10 times. Pray for the guidance of those that hurt you and when you start to feel angry, then distract yourself with some physical exercise or some pleasant activity. If you feel intense anger for someone, then find a quiet corner and write a letter which allows you to express all your resentment. After than tear and throw that letter away. This will help unload the intense emotions. Also hadith and research both suggest that either sit or lie down when in anger since that helps control and get rid of the anger. To control anger, you should keep all this mind and make a true effort to keep a rein on your aggressive side.

How to cure exhaustion?

Easy and alternate cure: Those who face a consistent issue of being tired all the time should look at their sleep schedule and try not to compromise on their sleep. If you are unable to sleep early, then place a cup of three spoons honey and one spoon vinegar in the room where you sleep. Take two spoons of this before lying in bed. And if you are unable to sleep in half an hour, then take two more spoons of it. Do this again after half an hour until you sleep peacefully till morning.

Also take a break while working. Those who sit and work should change positions and work by stretching their legs while standing or lying down. Take fruits and vegetables in your diet too. After waking up for Fajr prayer, exercise and then massage your body with some olive oil followed by a warm shower. Take fruits or fresh juice in breakfast. Lack of Vitamin B Complex can cause tiredness too. Take substitute tablets as well as rice, pulses and wheat. Lack of Calcium and Potassium also causes exhaustion too. Pulses, green vegetables, potatoes, Sangtra all have potassium while almonds, milk, hazel nuts etc are a good source of calcium. Frequently use these foods.

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